Declaration of Independence
U.S. Constitution
Bill of Rights
Concise History of the USA
Read the historic documents that created this wonderful nation, the history behind them and the founding fathers. Refresh your knowledge of significant events with a concise history of the United States of America. Learn about your rights and responsibilities as a U.S. citizen. Discover fascinating new facts about the Presidents, elections, the 50 states, our military history, engineering marvels, sports champions, and much, much more in this handy reference guide
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave
Our Founding Documents
& Concise History of the USA
Mark Zimmerman - Zimco Publications LLC
Publication Date: Aug. 1, 2020
ISBN: 978-0-9858692-8-1
Retail Price: $19.95
Full-Size Paperback, 178 Pages
Retailers Order from Ingram Books, Standard Discount/Returnable
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View Honor Wall, Wilson Co., Tenn.
View Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom
View Declaration of Independence
View US Constitution-First Page
Do You Know?
Who was the first President born in the United States?
What were the Articles of Confederation?
Did New England actually secede from the Union?
How many U.S. manned lunar missions?
Who has lain in state at the U.S. Capitol?
How many Presidents lost the “popular vote?”
The correct way to display the American flag?
The capital, largest city of Montana?
Which was the “first state” in the USA?